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1.Why does your brow tattoo color change after a month?

① Wrong pigment undertone:For example, if the pigment undertone is chosen as a warm color for light shading, the final color will lean towards that warm shade.
② Wrong color for your client’s skin type: If the shading density is high or the hair color is dense, the final result may appear much darker after the treatment.
③ Wrong technique: If the color turns gray after a month, that usually means it’s too dark. Darker shades can look cooler when they settle into the skin. It’s way better to go a little lighter than to risk going too dark and ending up with a blue. So, when you start, take it easy. Just slowly ramp up the strength as you go along, based on how it feels.

POPU Tips Of The Week


2.Why does your brow tattoo color change after a year?

What causes this change, and how can it be avoided? This may lie in the use of organic versus inorganic pigments. All pigments are made up of black powder, red powder, yellow powder, and white powder.
For organic pigment, yellow and red pigments leave the skin faster, so what remains on the skin is black or white. If black and white are left at the same time, the result will be gray.
For inorganic pigments, black pigments fade the fastest, followed by yellow and red. Inorganic pigments tend to shift toward warmer tones over time, which is why manufacturers recommend avoiding overly warm pigments when working with them.

POPU Tips Of The Week



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