Free Order
During the campaign, every 10th order will win a free order!
After the campaign ends, we will announce the winners on the notice board and refund all order amounts to the winners.
If you're a winner, email us at support@popumicrobeauty.com to claim your refund!
🎉 Holiday Notice: Due to the Chinese New Year, POPU will pause shipping from January 23rd to February 7th. Orders placed during this period will be shipped starting from February 7th in the order they were received.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we greatly appreciate your support for POPU. Wishing you a Happy New Year! 🧧
Principales máquinas y cartuchos PMU
Agujas para SMP y PMU
Let customers speak for us
Publicaciones de blog
A Guide to PMU Needle Hardness: How to Choose PMU Needle Hardness Based on Skin Type
Understanding PMU Needle Sizes: Enhance Your Permanent Makeup Skills
Finding Your Perfect Speed: A Guide to PMU Machine Voltage and Its Impacts
¿Estás buscando unirte a un equipo?
Te invitamos a formar parte del equipo de POPU ACE, donde tendrás la oportunidad exclusiva de experimentar de primera mano la máquina de maquillaje permanente y los cartuchos PMU de última generación desarrollados por POPU.
Nuestra tienda
B6, Parque Económico de la Sede, Ciudad de Yiwu, Provincia de Zhejiang, China
Lunes Sabado
9 a. m. - 5 p. m.
Programa de afiliados de POPU
Esta es su colaboración exclusiva con POPU, dando la bienvenida a la participación a artistas de PMU e influencers sociales de todo el mundo. Si te apasionan nuestros productos y quieres compartirlos con más personas mientras obtienes descuentos y comisiones exclusivos, únete a nuestro programa.